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The Madfish Group is an experienced, expert, and efficient team of Open Source software developers. Some words about us:
- Liz Warner Liz is an Internet applications developer and has more expertise and experience in Web development than anyone rightly should have. A brief list of technologies she has worked with extensively would include PHP, Java, Perl, SQL, Apache, Unix/Linux, and HTML, and companies she has worked with include Sun Microsystems, Mastercard, Bank of America, and the Industry Standard, not to mention an impressive array of New Economy companies. She recently contributed chapters on MySQL with Perl for the new book MySQL Weekend Crash Course. She also writes articles on open-source web development for developer.apple.com. Liz completed her degree at the University of California at Berkeley in Cognitive Science with a specialization in Human Computer Interfaces.
- Brad Bulger Brad Bulger has been a lead software engineer at Wired Digital for many years now, where he develops for websites like Wired News, Lycos News, and Wired Magazine. Like Liz, he excels at working with various obtuse technological acronyms. Among other things, he is a SQL RDBMS specialist, and an expert with his favorite Web scripting language, PHP. He likes PHP so much he co-wrote a book on the subject, "MySQL/PHP Database Applications." Here are excerpts from Amazon's review of the book:
"How could the combination of PHP and MySQL--which is a feature-rich, highly reliable combination, capable of dealing with large traffic volumes, and absolutely free of charge in most cases--be any better? In MySQL/PHP Database Applications, Jay Greenspan and Brad Bulger explain how to work with the capable pair, primarily for applications you might use on a Web site... More businesses and ambitious individuals are trying to bring applications to the Web but they are bewildered with the array of components and concepts needed to create a data-driven site. The cost, stability and ease of development using the Open Source PHP 4 scripting language and a MySQL database makes this combination the best choice for small and mid-size Web-based applications." Editorial Reviews -Amazon.com
- David Wilcock In previous incarnations, David has been a programmer, technical writer, copy editor, and business communications specialist for various start-ups. He takes particular pride in translating frustratingly dense and incomprehensible techno-babble into language that the rest of the world understands, and watching clients' eyes light up in understanding. He comes to the Madfish Group from Aquent in San Francisco, a major staffing agency, where he was their top client relations/Web accounts manager. At Aquent, he worked with such clients as the Gap, Sapient, Macromedia, and too many dotcoms to list. His broad understanding and fluency with the web development process dovetails neatly with his forte: successfully identifying and meeting clients' ongoing needs, and ensuring his clients' happiness and peace of mind at every stage in the development process.
Copyright 2001-2003, The Madfish Group, a division of LTWD, LLC. |